Monday, June 12, 2006

More Wiki than Geeky

Yochai's Benckler new Wealth of Networks, which is causing a veritable hail of interest, has, suprise, suprise a wiki.

And there are some very interesting links to commentary on the issue of wikis and the peer production method at Ray Corrigan's excellent blog.

This is a placeholder for my summer reading, natch; but it's also a chance for me to repeat my favourite IT law joke wot I thought up, as adapted freely from Sellar and Yeatman's fabulous 1066 And All That.

Students with a classical background , having finally managed to decipher their lecture notes,sometimes look up at their IT law profesors and say "Veni, vidi, vici!"* At which their law professors run away, thinking they have been (correctly) called Weeny, Weedy and Weaky, and this knew they had All been divided into Three Parts (like Gaul).
Only nowadays the ignorant non Latin loving profs think the students are just criticising their class Wiki!

Which is also a good place to plug my blue-skies cutting-edge and any other adjective you care to call it workshop on IT law and associated topics, GikII, to be held in Edinburgh on 5th September . Abstract deadline extended to June 30th, subsidy available for travel and accomodation and we already have papers on everything from digital property and virtual worlds governance to entropy in IT law and technophobia in Lord of the Rings!

* For Classicophobes, I came, I saw, I conquered! in Latin, as Julius Caesar is reported to have cried on conquering Britain (er, or somewhere else - see comment below..).

1 comment:

  1. The "veni, vidi, vici" message was a bit later than Caesar's abortive raids on Britain - I think it was either after he'd sorted out the pro-Pompey remnant in the eastern mediterranean, or when he defeated the king of Pontus (Mithridates, Pharneses?
