A massive web 2.0-type censorship farrago has (yet again) engulfed Live Journal, probably the social blogging and networking site most popular with "fandom" - which includes the loose and vast collection of communities where people write slash fiction about under-age characters (as in Harry Potter and his cronies, for example.)
A rather shady outfit called
Warriors for Innocence ("hunting pedophiles where they fester") appear to have either cajoled or threatened Live Journal (or its corporate owners, Six Apart) into taking down and/or deleting entries on a number of journals and communities whose "interests" keywords included terms like rape, teen, child and incest. In response , accusations are being made that some of these communities were for people who simply liked writing fan fiction and had absolutely no intention of encouraging or participating in sex with minors in "real life"; while other communities were actually doing positive good in that they were there to support incest survivors.
The usual web 2.0 battleground has now been thoroughly drawn up, with various calls for class actions for breach of contract against LJ, libel suits against WFI, claims WFI are actually an anti-LGBT group, and calls for symbolic one-day deletion of journals and user migration to other sites like GreatestJournal (which uses the same software as LJ and has been an alternative home in previous episodes of disenchantment with LJ, such as when default user icons showing breatfeeding and naked nipples (!) were banned).
The law as to LJ's possible liability seems at first clear, but has the odd wrinkle. First, no one seems very convinced that
writing pedophilic literature (as opposed to taking, making, selling or distributing pictures of under age sex) is in fact any sort of criminal offence in any US state. Secondly, it is even less clear if publishing or facilitating the publication of such is a crime ("inducing pedophilia" anyone?). Thirdly, even if one assumes it is,
would LJ be in any way criminally liable or would they be protected from liability? At first blush, this seems exactly the kind of situation the safe harbor of CDA was designed for. LJ , under the CDA, s 230 (c), as a service provider, should not be liable in respect of third party content.
However as every half awake blawger knows, the impact of s 230(c) on Web 2.0, user generated content sites has become steadily more blurry. As
recently reported here, the social site Roommates.com was recently found liable by the Sixth Circuit for, in effect, publishing room listings placed by third parties which were in breach of anti-discrimination renting laws. Rommmates.com did not benefit from s 230 (c) because by providing a rigid template for entry of text, they had effectively become content providers, not just content
platform provider.
It seems unlikely this would apply to LJ where almost all text is provided free form. On the other had, LJ does supply a "template" for journallers and communities to list their "interests" which are then used in searches. And it is these "interests" which are at the heart of LJ's current attempts at censorship. Could they have thought that Roommates.com left them at risk?
A rather more likely rumour is that LJ at first held firm, confident they were protected by the CDA, but panicked when WFI began going round their advertisers suggesting that LJ was not a nice place to hang out. This seems to have lead to a rather panicky surge of deletions of communities and journals. A more helpful approach would probably have been to have identified,
before deletion or suspension, which communities were at least devoted to incest survivor support, and spared them the trouble of protest. Much of the furore also seems to surround accusations that LJ unilaterally changed its Terms of Service - yet it is completely clear that they reserved the right (sensibly) to do this at any time (clause 13, Revisions, of
Sparing "Fan" sites also seems a rather more difficult call: as
Warren Ellis, the comics writer put it, "
The outcome .. has been pure comedy, with comments that read very much like “I love spending all day reading about forced underage incestuous sex with squirrel fisting on top, but of course I’m not interested in that in real life — that’d make me a pervert!”
Some "fan" writers have declared volubly that there is a vast difference between those who like to write fantasies of underage sex and those who'd ever wish to take part in them. PanGloss finds this a rather difficult call to expect a court, let alone a bunch of technohippies to make: surely every paedophile writer in the world would simply declare that oh no, they are merely a rampant Harry Potter slash fan?
Pangloss herself finds the degree of fan hysteria round this type of event a bit hard to stomach. LJ is a private site. It is not a state nor a common carrier nor a "public broadcaster" with positive obligations as to content, like the BBC in the UK. It is basically a business, one which rather oddly and sweetly does not seem to try to make maximum profits when it could (charge everyone, or show everyone ads.) The overwhelming majority of people using LJ still get their accounts and the extremely sophisticated functionality for free (and without advertising - ads are only given on consent, in return for which the user gets extra functionality, like being able to set up polls or have more user icons).
Yet in return for zero consideration, LJ seems to be expected by its clientele to take on a high dgree of risk in an uncertain area of law and to resist censorship at all costs. Yet in principle the situation is exactly as if Walmart had decided not to stock (say) Hello Kitty vibrators. Whether they are legal or not, it's Wallmart's store and Walmart's call. And if Walmart think those vibrators are a bit dodgy, either legally or in terms of alienating or annoying certain customers, then so be it. If they were stocking stuff they thought might or might not be legal, there isn't a lawyer in the world who wouldn't advise them to dump that stuff; and that's WALMART - who have millions of dollars and lawyers to fight prosecutions or civil suits.
An LJ or other web 2.0 site has the right to protect itself against the risk of being sued or prosecuted out of existence for taking on risk in an uncertain legal area. Would you rather have a world with LJ in it, albeit mildly policing the most extreme and likely to be dodgy of its boundaries, or a world with no LJ? Taking normal business steps to reduce legal risk is not the same as going over to the forces of censorship, fascism, illiberality and darkness.
It is interesting that many LJ users seem to feel LJ has a moral (not legal) duty to defend free speech over and above that of a normal business. PanGloss is not sure why. Isn't it good enough that they provide a global speech platform for free, and make efforts, it seems, not to "censor" (ie reduce legal risk) until someone with an agenda,like WFI, makes waves too big to ignore? In some ways , the web 2.0 social sites seem to have inherited the mantle of comforting and morally upright parent which we no longer expect of conventional nation states (?).
See also:
Boing BoingUseful links from LJSample LJ Abuse team Letter